Tuesday, May 05, 2009

this is so upsetting.

1) i have received unconditional offers from all 4 schools i applied to; 3 of which are in UK. BUT sadly, i cannot accept any of the 3 unless someone wants to fund me:((

2) dance night modern choreo is in a bleak situation; i cant seem to find any inspiration. neither can i execute the steps as well as before:((

3) swine flu is depriving me the love of my life; SHOPPING. my hongkong trip is being jeopardized:((

4) i am outspending myself 2 to 1; i need to work harder to control the spending sprees which i see as retail therapy:((

5) i cant seem to find enough time for myself; this makes me feel like leaving my job. just that i cant when i update my bank book. it's unbearably empty.

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